Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I guess it's that time of year again. I have pneumonia. Again. It's in the lower left and upper right quadrants of my lungs. Not to be totally gross and all, but this year is weird. Normally, I can tell that I'm going from just crappy allergies to pneumonia because the crap coming up from my lungs changes colors - it goes from clear or milky white to a lovely shade of green or yellow or brown or somewhere in between the three. Not this trip. This trip, it's still white/clear (mostly clear) and it's settled in my lungs. I knew I felt like crap for a reason. BLECH.

My aunt is recovering wonderfully. Thank you for your prayers/thoughts/good wishes! My niece is out of the hospital and I believe is doing quite well.

My son and I had a wonderful time together - other than my getting sick - and since I've been sick, he's been taking great care of me!

I said I would try to update more frequently - I'm not doing too bad at it, I suppose...

Until next time...


Just Be Real said...

Michele, I hope this comment finds you a bit better. Gosh, I do hope it was not pneumonia! Thinking and praying for you dear one.

Just Be Real said...

Michele, I have an award waiting for you in the post "Just Be Real Award." Come by and take of it dear one!