Thursday, September 18, 2008


So, yeah... thought I forgot about this place, didn't you? I didn't. Just didn't have a lot to say for a while. I guess I have a little to say again.

Divorce is going... well, it's going. It is a long drawn out process. He wants, I want, we disagree, our attorneys both suck, guess that's what we get for going cheap... neither attorney is any good at getting information that is needed and neither attorney is any good at getting things mailed to the other one... so it's rather a SLOW process. OH well...

I'm doing quite well though. I did stop the WW, financially, I just couldn't see spending the money. I have other things that I need more.. like milk, bread, tp, toothpaste, shampoo, you know things like that... SO, I quit.

Doc has changed my meds. Unfortunately, it wasn't because they weren't working or anything fun like that, it was simply because after four letters from me and two from him, my insurance still refused to pay for my meds... so for insurance sake, and financial sake, I asked to change. I'm now starting on welbutrim. It works on the opposite side of the brain than what I have been taking... we'll see. It's been awfully fun coming down off of the Cymbalta though. I can tell you that for sure - NOT!

What else is going on...
OH, I turned 37 this week. Yep, can you imagine? I'm 3 years from being 40! YIKES! I had a great birthday! The boy woke me up, singing to me! When I checked my phone, my dad had called and sung to me! Then my mom called, and then my grandpa called... then I had calls all day! The girls at work took me to lunch, and I had two special guests! One being a sweet sweet baby who's daddy decided to jump into the fray and join us - so he had his girlfriend bring the baby over and join us, and my dad! Dad picked up the tab for everyone!! I couldn't believe it. I didn't ask him to do so, he just wanted to, I guess.

For my birthday, I was taken to go see Kenny Chesney in concert, and I'm going to get to go to two other concerts! (Although the second of the two is going to be more for the boy than for me!) I'm going to go see Shinedown, BuckCherry, Saving Able and Violence for Vegas next wed and then in Oct. I'm headed to another concert! WOO HOO!!! I know... I warned you I was eclectic when it came to music!

I guess that pretty much catches you up on my life for now...
OH - I can reach this from work again, so I will probably start posting more again! YEAH!
I know, what will you do with numerous posts from me again? Faint? Fall over? Laugh? Cry? How about just ignoring me like always?

Have a good one ya'll - until next time!

1 comment:

jumpinginpuddles said...

we are glad to see you again let us know if you want our email