Monday, January 28, 2008

If I lost One Pound Each Week in 2008

I wish I could take credit for the following, but I can't. It's still good! I'm on my diet plan, so I am eDit (ing) what I eat instead of Diet (ing) -- (See the play on the word/letters!) - I have lost an average of 1.85 pounds since the first of the year. WOO HOO!! I am down a whole dress size right now. And I am still going lower. I am happier, so I am becoming healthier.

I am doing ok. There are still some things I wish I had, but I'm ok. No, REALLY, I am ok. I miss my kid on the days I don't have him, but I enjoy doing my own thing on those days too - for example, tomorrow, I'm going to have coffee with my girlfriend and another friend. I would have never done that before. I would have been too consumed with my family to MAKE the time for me and my friends. It's an amazing feeling. I still spend an unusual amount of time with my son - for example, this weekend I got to have him, and I was with him the whole weekend - there was about 30 minutes where we weren't together - but otherwise, from Friday evening to Monday morning at 7:13 it was just me and da boy. (tm) Every Tuesday and every other weekend, those are mine for me time. I'm learning what that means... and to me, part of that means to be good to my health... which was why I was posting in the first place... so long post going longer - here is my poem that my weight watchers leader gave us the first week in January. For those of you looking to lose weight - start where you are today and move forward! :)

If I Lost Just One Pound Each Week in 2008

By Valentine’s Day I’d be 6 pounds lighter!
I’m telling you – I’m loving it!

By St. Patrick’s Day I’d be 11 pounds lighter!
With the luck-o-the Irish I’ll make my goal!

By Easter I’d be 12 pounds lighter!
I’d be a cuter bunny!

By Memorial Day I’d be 21 pounds lighter!
Won’t let it rain on my parade!

By Flag Day I’d be 23 pounds lighter!
Boy, could I wave my flag then!

By Independence Day I’d be 26 pounds lighter!
That’s a neat declaration of independence from overeating!

By Labor Day I’d be 35 pounds lighter!
What a wonderful reward for all my hard work!

By Columbus Day I’d be 41 pounds lighter!
What a joy to discover what I can do!

By Halloween I’d be 43 pounds lighter!
I didn’t think I’d have had a ghost of a chance!

By Thanksgiving I’d be 47 pounds lighter!
I’d have so much to be thankful for!

By Christmas Eve I’d be 51 pounds lighter!
Talk about being merry!

By New Year’s Eve I’d be 52 pounds lighter!
It’s not just a new year, it’s a NEW ME!!

Good luck to those who are still with the editing of your eating habits and the addition of new exercise habits! I'm working the program and succeeding! I KNOW you can too!

Until next time,


jumpinginpuddles said...

we have left a comment on the blog below

Anonymous said...

Oh sure, have coffee with everyone else, but not me. I see how it is. :P

Anonymous said...

Michele, I love that! It's such a positive way to look at weight loss. I used to want everything now now now, but I've come to realize (finally) that anything worth a damn doesn't come cheap and easy.

WTG on your weight loss! :)

Michele said...

I have emailed you twice now on when I could be there!! I wanted you to be there the other night! Please send me a good email addy so I can make arrangements to meet with you!

Anonymous said...
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