Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Time for BRAGGING!

I know, I know... just two or three posts ago, I asked about being a braggert, and said that I thought it was a bad thing... however, when it comes to my kiddo, it's never a bad thing, and I'm going to BRAG my little pitter patter heart out! So get ready for it.

Kiddo graduated from Cub Scout to Boy Scout last night. He worked really hard and achieved his Arrow Of Light award. He also got to give me a pin that was the "Mother's Pin" for the Arrow of Light. It was the sweetest ceremony. I am so proud of my son. He is quickly becoming a very intelligent, hard working, ambitious and spoiled rotten young man. He is definitely not a baby any longer. My heart breaks when I know that he will always be my only child, and yet this same heart soars when I admit how proud I am of this child. I have done a good job of raising him. His dad has done a good job of raising him. Together, we have a good boy.

It was one of those rare but wonderful occasions where I actually had both of my parents in the same place at the same time. Mom and Dad actually got along (well, at least it wasn't world war 3) and they both were there. I can't express how much it means to me to be able to have my parents at those kinds of things.

My mom is my mentor. I look to her for answers when I don't know what to do with my boy on most occasions. She shares the pride I have in him. I tend to wait to see if she is proud of my boy before I allow myself to feel pride in myself. I know that is backwards, but it's how it works. I should feel pride in myself regardless, because I feel pride for my boy. Mother's pride in my boy doesn't necessarily affect the amount of pride in him that I have, but it does affect the pride I have in myself. And she shows her pride in him graciously - so that is a very good thing for me. I think though that because I am so ingrained with mom's emotions and mom's reactions, I sometimes take her compliments straight to heart.

My dad always gives me the sweetest compliments. Instead of praising kiddo to me, he praises me. He tells kiddo how proud he is of him, don't get me wrong, but he tells me what a good job I am doing in raising the boy. He tells me that if it weren't for my (and hubby's) influence, the boy wouldn't be who he is, and he tells me that I'm (we're) going a great job. Those things mean more to me than I could ever express.

My boy is no longer a Cub Scout. He's a full fledged Boy Scout with the ambition of becoming an Eagle Scout. I am so proud of him.

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