Friday, June 25, 2004

Things are looking up!

I have been temping at a GREAT company for the last two weeks (yes, I started with pneumonia) and have been asked to stay another week!! WOO HOO!!! Even though I have "Officially" worked myself out of a job several times - they keep coming up with new projects for me to do. I am so glad!

Oh, and one other thing that somewhat has to do with my "job" - only because it affects me getting here...

Dear Mr. Conductor of the Southern Pacific Train which crosses 51st street at 169:

I know you take great pleasure in annoying many of us by sitting across the street where no one can pass, but this temp job is very important to me, and if you could please just allow my green bravada to pass before you decide to sit there for 45 minutes blocking traffic completely, I would be extremely grateful. I usually cross the tracks between 7:45am and 7:50am.

Thank you again.

Hubby has an interview with a technology company Monday morning! He is so very excited! We are excited. He needs to hear more promising news, or he is going to be very depressed very soon.

That's all I know right now. It's been a good week, working and all...

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