Thursday, September 21, 2006

calling all friends

Calling all Friends, Blog Buddies, and Generous Strangers!

My kiddo – see him over there on the side – my boy wants to go to Washington DC with his school. His grandma promised him he could go this year, and now doesn’t have the money to cover the trip…due to circumstances beyond her control and since I’m not working at my wonderful fabulous job any more, (a different blog, and it was no fault of my own), I don’t make the kind of money I need to make to be able to afford the trip. SO, we’re taking donations, we’re selling candy, I’m making candles, and we’re practically begging for funds to send him. The total cost is $1669.00. So far, we have $100.00. So now, we are begging for some help. Please, even if it’s one dollar – we could use every little bit to get this kid to DC. I’ll be setting up a paypal account for just him so he can use every little bit for his trip. Expect to see that later today or early tomorrow. He’s a good kid. He deserves to go. He’s breaking into his car fund (yes at 13 he has a car fund) to get the $100.00. Hubby and I will be kicking in as much as we possibly can – even if it means pawning my whole house. The dream would be to have enough for him to go and have spending money, and for me to go too – but that’s a dream, and I just want him to get to go right now. So please, please please– help as you can, and tell all your generous friends to help too!!
Thanks ever so much!!!
You can email me at

1 comment:

Ren said...

What's your paypal address?