Monday, November 24, 2003

How was your weekend?

Mine went faster than I wished it would, but all in all, it was pretty good. I had an awesome time at the auction, and the people I went with were great! So that was fab.

Saturday, I managed to get quite a bit done at the house. Not as much as I should've, but more than I thought I would. I painted the new window seat, and filled it with the things I wanted to get off my cabinets. I emptied out one of my cabinets and rearranged more than one other. I put all the clothes away - including those that needed hung up. I did more than one load of laundry, and made sure all the dishes in the house were clean. I cleaned the living room and started to decorate for Christmas, but just couldn't quite bring myself to do that.... it's still November - Thanksgiving people! So, instead, I put out some more Thanksgiving decorations. Figure if I'm not going to give in to Christmas yet, I can still have holiday things up. I also cleaned the bathrooms, and stencils in the glass on my front entry. Then I took a LOOOOONNNNGGG whirlpool bath. It was wonderful. Dad and I went out Saturday, as planned, but we didn't get wild like he had threatened. (THANK HEAVENS!) We talked a lot about things that were between us that needed to be discussed, and got some things in the open. Finally. There are some things that I will never understand, but it felt good to get things into the open at least. Yesterday, I basically hung out, finished some cleaning, worked on the laundry, and waited on my boys to come home. ... the hunting trip will be another post. No, they didn't get a deer. yes, overall, they had a good time. Do I seriously consider limiting the amount of hunting that my son does over the next few months - yes. Will I do anything? maybe. There are a few new rules that must be established before this weekend's adventures. Mom is a big ol' mamma bear when it comes to her cub, and I have to be aware of all circumstances. We shall see.

Tell me about your weekend....

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