Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Finding Balance in life is so HARD. Balancing too many activities for kiddo, with letting him be a kid, with letting him do as much as we can that he wants to do, with keeping him responsible, with teaching him to juggle life in general - I mean really, we all juggle a million and ten things at once to just get through the day - without overwhelming him...

Kiddo is finally feeling better. He ran a temp for a full week. It was a NASTY little bug. I'm just glad it wasn't more. I am so grateful for all the prayers and positive thoughts that came our way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

School starts in two days. Football is practicing four nights a week, and Boy Scouts are on Mondays. Kiddo wants to be involved in it all. He wants to be a part of the activities at school, (somewhat), he wants to be involved with football - he loves his new team, he wants to be involved with Scouts, and he wants to play with his friends and watch TV and hang. It's all about balance. I'm not very good at balancing things, so I hope that someone else can teach kiddo some of these skills. I tend to just dive to catch the balls before they hit the ground and toss them back up in the air, and dive for the next one... it's quite a juggling act, let me tell you.

Hubby and I fussed last night. He was being an ass, and I told him so. He said that since kiddo committed to football, he needs to be at football all of ever practice. Kiddo wanted to be at the Scout meeting because their trailer that had all of their equipment and everything in it was stolen, and he wanted to be in the loop to find out what was going to happen. It was one night. He has missed the last two Scout meetings for football. He is committed to football, but he wanted to miss one hour of football to go to this meeting because of what had happened. Hubby was a real ass about it. He came up with as many excuses for kiddo not to go to that meeting as he could. I was firm. Kiddo wanted to be there. It was ONE meeting. It was ONE hour. Hubby said that kiddo would just have to get used to sitting on the side line and not playing football if he wasn't going to be committed to practice. It was ONE hour of ONE practice. Kiddo went to Scouts. He is going to go with them today to buy some replacement things for the troop. I talked to coach. I don't really give a crap if coach gets mad at me. I'll be the bitch. And believe me, I was with hubby. I didn't make a huge scene, I talked, I didn't yell, but I made it clear what was expected. He took kiddo to the Scout meeting like he was supposed to. I would've done it, but I had a meeting to go to at 6:30 that didn't end until 7:30... so if I had been the one taking him, he would've missed half of scouts. Hubby was not happy with me. I am not sure if he is still mad or not. At this ten seconds - I don't honestly care. To kiddo, this was important. Thus, it was important to me, so I fought for it. Now if hubby can just get over being mad at me...

Such is the life at my house...
Til next time...

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